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Sarah Borowski, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Lehigh University

Sarah Borowski

Assistant Professor

Chandler-Ullmann room 123

B.A., Elon University

M.A., College of William & Mary

Ph.D., University of Missouri, Developmental Psychology

Explore this Profile

Additional Interests

  • Adolescent Friendships
  • Support and Disclosure
  • Psychophysiology of Close Relationships
  • Gender

Research Statement

My research focuses on how close friendships contribute to adolescents’ development and well-being, psychophysiological reactivity within the context of friendship interactions, and the role of gender in adolescents’ peer experiences.

Much of my research considers adolescents’ experiences disclosing personal problems to close friends. When adolescents talk to friends about their problems, friends may respond in a variety of ways – for example, sometimes friends provide empathy and validation, whereas in other cases, friends might respond negatively and downplay the problem. In some cases, friends talk about their problems in ways that actually exacerbate the problem by talking about problems excessively and repetitively, focusing on negative emotions, and speculating about the causes and consequences (i.e., co-rumination). Studying disclosure behaviors is critical because the manner in which adolescents disclose to friends and how friends respond to them has implications for adolescents’ emotional adjustment (e.g., depressive symptoms) and social adjustment (e.g., relationship quality).

My recent work also considers adolescents’ physiological reactivity during interactions with close friends. Specifically, I collect heart rate, respiration, and skin conductance data with the goal of assessing adolescents’ physiological reactivity to supportive (or unsupportive) disclosure behaviors and the extent to which friends are interconnected in their physiological responses during their interactions together (i.e., coregulation).

In all my research, gender differences are an important consideration. Gender identity is related to the extent that adolescents engage in different friendship behaviors and their subjective experiences interacting with friends. My research also considers adolescents’ experiences in same-gender friendships versus other-gender peer relationships (e.g., friendships, romantic relationships).


Professor Borowski received her M.A. in Experimental Psychology from the College of William & Mary where her early graduate work focused on how youth learn emotions about within their friendships. This work initiated her interests in emotional processes within adolescent friend interactions and led her to pursue doctoral training at the University of Missouri. There, her research examined how contextual factors (e.g., stress; type of relationship; gender) and adolescents’ emotional responses in the context of problem disclosure within friendships affect their adjustment. During her doctoral studies, she also received training in examining psychophysiological responding within mother-infant interactions, which expanded her interests to the role of adolescents’ physiological responses within their interactions with friends. Professor Borowski received her Ph.D. from the University of Missouri and began her career at Lehigh University in 2022 where she is currently an Assistant Professor. 

At Lehigh University, Professor Borowski leads the Peer Relations Lab, which includes both graduate and undergraduate researchers. Her team conducts research using survey, observational, and psychophysiological methods to better understand how close friendships affect adolescent well-being. Professor Borowski enjoys mentoring students through research and aims to provide students with hands-on research experiences that involve collecting data with adolescent participants, data analyses, and communicating scientific findings. 

Recently Completed and Ongoing Projects

Considering the Role of Vagal Tone in Adolescents’ Social Interactions (MU Friendship Project)
Completed at the University of Missouri in 2022
Supported through NICHD NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship (F31HD097079-01A1)

Adolescents’ Friendship Interactions and Emotion Regulation: Considering the Role of Behaviors and Physiology (Teens Talking)
Ongoing Research at Lehigh University 
Supported through Lehigh University Faculty Research Grant (FP00000029)

An Integrative Approach to Studying Adolescents’ Online and Offline Social Lives
Ongoing Research at Lehigh University
Supported through Lehigh’s Office of Creative Inquiry (Mountaintop Project) and an APA Early Career Research Grant in Developmental Psychology

Representative Publications

Borowski, S. K., & Rose, A. J. (2022). Boys’ and girls’ interactions with same-gender friends and other-gender friends: A focus on problem disclosures. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Borowski, S. K., Groh, A. M., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., Fearon, R. M. P., Vaughn, B. E., & Roisman, G. I. (2021). The significance of early temperament for children’s social competence with peers: A meta-analytic review and comparison with early attachment. Psychological Bulletin, 147, 1125-1158

Borowski, S. K., & Zeman, J. (2018). Emotional competence relates to co-rumination: Implications for emotion socialization within adolescent friendships. Social Development, 27, 808-825.

Borowski, S. K., Spiekerman, A., & Rose, A. J. (2021). Gender differences in children and adolescents’ friendships. In B. Halpern-Felsher (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health. Elsevier. 


Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood (PSYC 352)
Adolescence is a dynamic developmental period encompassing multiple interrelated changes in the biological, cognitive, psychological, and social domains. This course covers theories and research in adolescence and explore connections between research and policy. We also consider whether emerging adulthood is a separate stage of development.

Peer Relationships and Development (PSYC 397)
This seminar focuses on children and adolescents’ development within the context of their relationships with peers. In this course we examine how close friendships, the broader peer group, and romantic relationships influence youths’ development and well-being (e.g., the development of depression), how individual characteristics affect peer relations (e.g., gender identity), and contextual factors that impact peer relationships (e.g., sociocultural background).